Friday, January 19, 2007

just how important is magnesium?

When my 8 year old daughter’s hair began falling out. I looked to the doctor for help. When he named it as alopecia I was relieved - until Ithat is I realised that the name alopecia simply means - hair is falling out - well I knew that and so turned to Adelle Davies for help. I found something about magnesium, increased our family magnesium levels diet wise as best I could, especially with regard to milk and her hair began to grow back

8 years later, she had a couple of big ops and got an excruciating pain in her hands which pain killers barely relieved. Again we went to the doc who said keep taking the pain killers – I noticed her hair was also starting to fall out again, so took her down to the chemists, secured a bottle of magnesium tablets and within half an hour of taking two tablets of 250mg magnesium, her pain – which had been apparently consistent for 48 hours, ceased

Birth control implants also seems to cause this hair loss


Here are some references as I try to understand why these things happen

Finally according to Griffith H Winter MD 1988 - Vitamins HERBS Minerals & Supplements The Complete Guide Revised edition 1999 ISBN – 1-55561-263-6

Benefits (of magnesium)

  • · Aids bone growth
  • · Aids function of nerves and muscles including regulation of normal heart rhythm
  • · Conducts nerve impulses
  • · Works as laxative in large doses
  • · Acts as antacid in small doses
  • · Strengthens tooth enamel

Possible benefits

  • · May help reduce effects of lead poisoning
  • · May reduce kidney stones
  • · May be used to treat heart disease

Who may benefit from Additional Amounts (of magnesium)

  • · Anyone with inadequate calorie or dietary intake or increased nutritional requirements
  • · Those who abuse alcohol or other drugs
  • · People with a chronic wasting illness
  • · Anyone who has recently undergone surgery
  • · Vomiting and diarrhoea may increase need
  • · With medical supervision may supplement treatment of acute myocardial infarction, cardiac surgery, digitalis toxicity and congestive heart failure

Deficiency symptoms

  • · Muscle contractions
  • · Convulsions
  • · Confusion, delirium, memory and concentration difficulties
  • · Irritability
  • · Nervousness
  • · Skin problems
  • · Hardening of soft tissues
  • · Hypertension
  • · Arrhythmia

What this mineral does

  • · Activates essential enzymes
  • · Affects metabolism of proteins and nucleic acids
  • · Helps transport sodium and potassium across cell membranes
  • · Influences calcium levels inside cells
  • · Aids muscle contractions

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