Wednesday, January 31, 2007

sleeep is gooood

when i was a kid i used to be frightened of the dark and i would tos and turn all night scared to cross the hall to the toilet
so as a parent i would pick my kids up in the middle of the night when they started to toss and turn ane put them on the loo
sometimes i didn't but would regret in the morning - not because they would wet the bed - they never did that but i would see the rings around their eyes and know that their sleep hadn't been sound
i did this until they were around nine years old and never had a wet bed ever
they stopped using pads when they were 2 years old


Saturday, January 27, 2007

hunza duet

Hunza diet!

Friday, January 19, 2007

happy links to how brains & cells work an ting

  • value calculator - veg & nuts -

  • milk nutriton I love India

  • Nutrients A - Z – A Users Guide to Foods, Herbs, Vitamins, Minerals & Supplements - Dr Michael Sharon – Carlton Books – ISBN 1-84443-521-5

  • Nutritional Medicine – The Drug Free Guide to Better Family Health – Dr Stephen Davies & Dr Alan Stewart – Pan ISBN 0-330-28833-4

A word on Adelle Davis

Personally while I don't agree with everything she says, she has given me a starting point to begin investigations instead of just meekly accepting symptoms

I should like to say that when necessary I was quite prepared to take the medications or provide them - it's just that you can't always get them or afford them

anyway quite a lot of biology students snigger when they read her books - why I don't know

this is a note from the guy who revised her books -

‘Adelle Davis’s name has been associated with nutrition for 3 decades. Her deep concern for poor health due to nutritional ignorance and her hopes for a better future through good nutrition are the core of the passionate message she has brought us

‘She spoke out at a time when there were few voices to be heard for the cause of good health by the comprehensive application of important discoveries in the field of nutrition..’ (Mandell Marshall - Davis A 1981 Introduction : vii)

‘‘Let’s Have Healthy Children (LHHC 1968) has been revised and brought up to date …an extensive undertaking because many highly qualified investigators have published important papers … in the field of nutrition since Let’s Have Healthy Children first appeared in print……….

‘She made some suggestions that seemed perfectly reasonable to her before the overworked medical practitioners of her day had an opportunity to conduct the time-consuming investigations necessary …The revision and updating performed for this edition have taken into account the medical studies that have been conducted since the book was written’ (Mandell Marshall - Davis A 1981 Introduction : viii)

‘The reader must keep in mind that this book was written to emphasize the importance of nutrition, to stimulate the interest of the medical profession in this neglected subject and to enlarge the general public’s knowledge’ (Mandell Marshall - Davis A 1981 Introduction : ix)

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just how important is magnesium?

When my 8 year old daughter’s hair began falling out. I looked to the doctor for help. When he named it as alopecia I was relieved - until Ithat is I realised that the name alopecia simply means - hair is falling out - well I knew that and so turned to Adelle Davies for help. I found something about magnesium, increased our family magnesium levels diet wise as best I could, especially with regard to milk and her hair began to grow back

8 years later, she had a couple of big ops and got an excruciating pain in her hands which pain killers barely relieved. Again we went to the doc who said keep taking the pain killers – I noticed her hair was also starting to fall out again, so took her down to the chemists, secured a bottle of magnesium tablets and within half an hour of taking two tablets of 250mg magnesium, her pain – which had been apparently consistent for 48 hours, ceased

Birth control implants also seems to cause this hair loss


Here are some references as I try to understand why these things happen

Finally according to Griffith H Winter MD 1988 - Vitamins HERBS Minerals & Supplements The Complete Guide Revised edition 1999 ISBN – 1-55561-263-6

Benefits (of magnesium)

  • · Aids bone growth
  • · Aids function of nerves and muscles including regulation of normal heart rhythm
  • · Conducts nerve impulses
  • · Works as laxative in large doses
  • · Acts as antacid in small doses
  • · Strengthens tooth enamel

Possible benefits

  • · May help reduce effects of lead poisoning
  • · May reduce kidney stones
  • · May be used to treat heart disease

Who may benefit from Additional Amounts (of magnesium)

  • · Anyone with inadequate calorie or dietary intake or increased nutritional requirements
  • · Those who abuse alcohol or other drugs
  • · People with a chronic wasting illness
  • · Anyone who has recently undergone surgery
  • · Vomiting and diarrhoea may increase need
  • · With medical supervision may supplement treatment of acute myocardial infarction, cardiac surgery, digitalis toxicity and congestive heart failure

Deficiency symptoms

  • · Muscle contractions
  • · Convulsions
  • · Confusion, delirium, memory and concentration difficulties
  • · Irritability
  • · Nervousness
  • · Skin problems
  • · Hardening of soft tissues
  • · Hypertension
  • · Arrhythmia

What this mineral does

  • · Activates essential enzymes
  • · Affects metabolism of proteins and nucleic acids
  • · Helps transport sodium and potassium across cell membranes
  • · Influences calcium levels inside cells
  • · Aids muscle contractions

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Sunday, January 14, 2007

Independant Living - Mineral and Vitamins & a whole lot more

Guide to vitamins and minerals on Independant Living website

If you are caring for someone or beginning to find life a little tricky this is a great site for ideas on what is happening and products available

bit hard to get them to come clean about a price and some of the prices when you get there scandously high but gives you a general idea then you can contact your local diy specialists and create something of your own - but when it comes to bath time, you can't beat a wet room - how hard can it be?

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Levels of competancy with regard to information sharing RCN

What ICT can do in the medical world

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ahhh sleeeeep

to sleep or not to sleep

Friday, January 12, 2007

"My fellows in the religion of love are those who love; and they have approved my ignominy and thought well of my disgrace"