Monday, March 26, 2007

Losing weight without wheat

Trying the wheat free life

You can buy Pollenta - which is Maize flour -the coarse one is just great in most Asian shops. Look for large packets of Ginger powder and Cinnamon Powder – Cinnamon and ginger both have natural antibiotic properties, as do -by the way – apples. They are also GREAT digestion aids and anti flatulents and relieve nausea. Cinnamon is also and calming and also said to relieve menstrual cramps, and personally I find Ginger to be very cheering. AND best of all they hide the taste of bicarbonate of soda and cream of tartar, which are necessary as raising agents

Of course you can also use lemon juice to make a delicious lemon cake - coriander powder has a lovely lemony taste and is also a great digestive and apparently great for arthritis and rheumatism!!

You could probably make herb and cheese savoury versions, I certainly used to make a savoury oatmeal version for tea using baby nettles and other veg - great just don’t tell the kids what they are eating!!!

Be careful not to use red cheeses, which have harmful colorants. Cheshire and Wensleydale are clean and crumbly and free from additives. I used to make a kind of pancake using oatmeal instead of wheat for a pizza base

Also look for large bags of Jeera (cumin seed) and Fennel seed, both of which I use in my salads and are apparently great digestives, and Fennel Seed is said to help suppress the appetite – I suppose it satisfies some special body needs!!

Other ideas are baked potatoes – preferably organic because then you can eat the skins without too much damage to your innards! At present the only place I can buy organic potatoes is Royston Tesco

Cut several times into the potatoes and place in microwave hot setting max for around 6 mins

Take out and place in breakfast bowl. Open potatoes and drizzle in some oil (olive or Grapeseed) sprinkle lots of different herbs, mixed herbs, oregano and parsley are great, coriander too

Sprinkle on some sea salt

Back into microwave for 2 mins or just enough time for cheese to melt


Meanwhile tear up various lettuce add lots of herbs as above and some chopped white cheese ( Cheshire or Wensleydale is clean full of nutrients and delicious – you can get 3 packs for £3 both at Asda and Tesco Royston

Sprinkle in any seeds you fancy including jeera, fennel, and sunflower, sesame and pumpkin are nice

By the way sunflower and sesame go well in cake too!!

Chop in a banana, or tomatoes, or an avocado

Drizzle in a splash of olive oil, a splash of walnut oil, a splash of grape seed oil, a splash of pumpkin seed oil or avocado – mix them up look for others be adventurous – they all have wonderful properties – forget the cheap vegetable oils and add a splash of orange juice and or apple juice

I also use a splash of ginger cordial or elderflower cordial because I like sweet, especially if I add a splash of cider vinegar and / or curry powder – be adventurous

Stir it all up and bung it in a bowl with the baked potato

Also nice in the microwave is sliced mushroom laid on top of brown rivita and sliced white cheese on top with herbs and sea salt and several pieces cooked in microwave for around +/- 2 mins – as you like

instead of mushroom try tomatoe or sliced apples

You can also try – it’s a bit odd –eggy rivita – soak brown wheat free rivita in egg, milk, herb & sea salt mix and fry in olive oil

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